Monday, February 12, 2007

My Funny Valentine

"My Funny Valentine.
Sweet comic valentine.
You make me smile with my heart.
Your looks are laughable,
yet your my favorite work of art."
- Frank Sinatra

Today I hosted a 'Valentine's Day' play group at my house through the AWC (American Women's Club). I joined the club last fall hoping to meet other English speaking mothers with young children. Unfortunately they only have 3 formal events planned annually, parties associated with Easter, Halloween, and Christmas. Not wanting to wait until April, we organized an informal play day that was a success.

Our house was filled with mothers and kids ranging from 10 months to 6 years. We decorated cookies, made special Valentines, snacked, and played, played, played. All the kids had a blast and the mothers were very interested in doing something monthly, rotating between each other's house.