Monday, November 13, 2006

Reading Rainbow

"Butterfly in the sky,
I can go twice as high!
Take a look, it's in a book, a Reading Rainbow!

I can go anywhere!
Friends to know, and ways to grow,
a Reading Rainbow!

"I can be anything!
Take a look, it's in a book, a Reading Rainbow!
A Reading Rainbow!"
- Tina Fabrik

Last month I discovered my new hiding place in Helsinki. Since our move I have been reading a book a week. 30+ weeks into this journey, my book bill has really added up. So I decided to get my library card and view their English selection. There are over 40 libraries alone in the greater Helsinki area which include a 2 Children's Libraries and a Music & Video Library.

I opted on the Rikhardinkatu Library. It is a 10 minute walk from our house. The 6th floor holds their "British Collection," a collection donated by the British Embassy. They have a wonderful selection of romance, fiction, sci-fi, and mystery. Any customer can check out up to 40 items for 28 days. I have enjoyed novels by Anita Shreve and Jane Green to name a few and the boys love the books I bring home for them. It is that one Saturday a month I look forward to escaping to the quiet library alone.

I have included a list of some of my favorite books I have read this year on the right, along with links to their reviews. I will continue to add others as they top my list. I hope you can enjoy a few if you have the time.