Sunday, October 29, 2006


"Daylight, I wanna see daylight.
Wanna see daylight that shines all around.
Daylight, I wanna see clear blue light.
Wanna see daylight that shines all around."
- Asia

Daylight savings time came to an end during the early hours of this morning. As darkness is creeping upon us 5 minutes faster each day, we need all the 'daylight savings' we can get here in Finland. Prior to the time change, cars were still driving with their lights on at 0850 as I walked Big to preschool in the mornings. Now sunrise will occur around 0730 and sunset around 1630...this week that is. We currently have 10 1/2 hours of visible daylight. Next week we will only have a little more than 9 hours, continuing with a steep downward trend until December 21-22 when the Winter Solstice occurs. All of the streets, parks, running trails, etc are lined with ample lighting so you can keep your daily routine in spite of the darkness and families are equipped with their "happy lights."