Friday, September 15, 2006

It's 5 O'Clock Somewhere

"Pour me something tall and strong.
Make it a hurricane, before I go insane.
It's only half past twelve. But I don't care,
it's five o'clock somewhere."
- Alan Jackson & Jimmy Buffet

The creativity of everyone at home has amazed me! The care packages that contain an endless supply of Starbucks, Easy Mac out the wazoo, and nick knacks for the boys surprise us weekly. But today my best friend topped it all...a true "Texas Happy Hour" care package! El Fenix chips, salsa, and Margarita Mix, margarita salt, 2 margarita glasses, Velveeta cheese, rotel, chewy pralines, chiclet gum, and little paper umbrellas all included.

Today, Friday, at 5:00 pm....we sat down for happy hour, just like we used to back home. Thanks A & J!