Thursday, April 20, 2006


"Yeah, and we'll be swingin,
yes, we'll be swinging.
- John Anderson

We spend most of our afternoons at any of the city's parks. You can find one on every other block offering a variety of slides, swings, playscapes, etc. So far we have discovered a new one everyday.

Differing from Texas, almost all playgrounds here include a large sandbox (20x20). I guess little critters such as pinworms do not survive the cold so they are considered much safer here.

Along with the sandboxes, the parks have a "community toy box" that is filled with plastic toys for everyone to play with. The toys consist of shovels and pails to dump trucks and scotters. It is quite nice that the honor system is a success here. I think if this idea was tried back home, the toys would disappear the first night.


scrubbyfrog said...

Umm, in looking at this picture,I am a little concerned for your childrens safety. Why would you let your children swing over a concrete TILED ground??? Where is the 2-4 inches of padding/woodchips/rubber shredded material??? I forsee a CPS referral in the future- do you have the number for Finland CPS??? Thanks- A